a safe, effective, and affordable resource
helping christians find health and balance without porn

- Nine 30-minute video teachings from a 13+
years sober recovered porn addict and former
- Earnest and effective content, vetted by a
panel of therapists, doctors, and theological
- Balanced and holistic approach, addressing
anatomical, psychological, sexual, and spiritual
elements together
- Accessible for any budget for a one-time fee of $59 for full access (no hidden costs or upsells)

You have a money back guarantee that upon purchasing and viewing this e-course you will know more about porn addiction and experience new understandings about your journey through it. You can also expect to feel better, finding relief from the intense emotions of guilt and shame. You'll absolutely be safe and not led astray into any dangerous ideas or instructions, although you should expect to be challenged on what you believe. Finally, you'll have next steps and not be left clueless on what to do. Since your recovery is your responsibility and dependent upon your choices, easy fixes or cures cannot be guaranteed. You can, however, feel confident about your investment of time and money into this uniquely valuable
e-course because of the promises made here.


Creating this course has been a dream of mine for a long time. Here's a bit about my story so you can know better about who you'd be trusting by taking the e-course.

I set out on this journey of chasing God dreams in the early 2000s as the drummer of Christian rock band Fireflight. In my nine-year stint with the group we received a Grammy nomination and a gold single among other accolades. Today I continue to serve music creators as a web-based studio drummer. More at pheeshorbdrums.com

I shook things up by leaving my music career at its pinnacle to preach the Gospel full-time. I launched into ministry as a church guest speaker and international evangelist. In a five-year whirlwind, I preached at over 200 churches and in nine different countries and led a lot of people to Jesus with many signs and wonders following. I then settled down to help pastor a church with dear friends in Jacksonville, FL for two years. Although I've been mostly inactive in organized ministry for some time, the calling remains in my core and an important posture of my life. More at wintheworld.life

The reason I stepped away from ministry was to care for my baby girl, Landry. My intention was for this to be temporary but life sometimes doesn't pan out as we imagine it will. Then came my baby boy, Maddox. I have been their primary parent and care provider for six years now. It has been the ultimate lemonade from a lemon situation and has brought with it no shortage of failure, refining, transformation, revelation, and of course joy. #dadlife

Overall, I am a light hearted and fun-loving guy who happens to be ridiculously passionate about addressing serious issues within the body of Christ. I have no time for a nonsensical, unhelpful, gaslit, falsely deep, "Emperor's New Clothes" type of Christianity. I am a proponent of calling things out and making necessary adjustments to lead and urge the Church into a better place. I really want to help people get their foundations set in Jesus, reaching a place of health and balance. It's the only sustainable way to make headway on the real mission of making disciples and bringing the Gospel everywhere it's needed. I'm set on going about this in a way that brings life! Let's get started! -Phee

Is this only for Christians? Can non-Christians sign up?
This course was created from a Christian perspective, assuming the viewer is Christian. There are 2-3 sessions in which the content is very focused on Christian spirituality. The rest would be applicable to anyone. That being known, anyone is welcome to participate in the course and is likely to find it beneficial. No refunds offered for finding the course "too Christian."
Is this only for Men? Can women or transgender people sign up?
This course was created from a male perspective, assuming the viewer is male. There is one session that deals specifically with male anatomy which cannot be accurately applied in any way to a biological female. The rest of the content is generally applicable regardless of gender while the delivery is designed to be suitable to men, specifically. That being known, anyone is welcome to participate in the course and is likely to find it beneficial. No refunds offered for finding the course "too male."
How does your money back guarantee work on the Four Promises?
If you feel that the e-course falls short of the Four Promises for you to, "know more, feel better, be safe, and have next steps," the Contact page can be used to submit a request for refund. Kindly explain in what way you felt the e-course failed to deliver on the Four Promises and your refund request will be granted as soon as possible.
If this is a Christian thing, why isn't it free? Why do you charge?
It's true that churches and ministries offer their services for free, but that does not mean they are without cost. The costs of ministry are actually great and the only way a ministry organization can survive is through the voluntary tithes and offerings given by those who support it. Real Help could be organized this way but that would rob those dealing with porn addiction of the dignity of shouldering the financial burden of their own recovery. Since there are costs and value attached to the content of this e-course, and since those dealing with porn addiction are able and would benefit from investing in their own recovery, it makes sense to organize as a business and charge a fee for accessing the course. The price chosen ($59) is far less than most resources available currently.
Where do you stand theologically? What denomination are you?
While the content of the e-course does not shy away from spiritual matters or Christian Scripture, it is perhaps not primarily theological. It provides education on several other subjects such as mental health, anatomy, and of course addiction. A person seeking an exclusively spiritual solution, especially one they agree with theologically, is probably not going to experience recovery soon. Be encouraged to relax and breathe as you explore opportunities to help you in this journey. The perfect resource does not exist. This one will guide you with a radically Jesus-centered understanding of the Gospel. You'll find the theology of the course to be generally in alignment with the Apostles' and Nicine Creeds and the majority of mainline Protestant denominational beliefs statements. The approach and explanations will, however, vary from the status quo a bit to bring a fresh view of Jesus and what He has accomplished on our behalf. The course creator is a Pentecostal, ordained by a non-denominational church. The course content has been evaluated and approved by several pastors and theological scholars with various denominational affiliations.
Do you have church small group curriculum?
Can a church group watch the course together?
The short answer is no. Sexuality is a private matter and if sexual problems arise, care ought to be taken to address it privately if possible. This e-course is designed to facilitate that so converging it with a church group context is not recommended. The price to access the course is set for one individual. Paying one access fee with the intent to distribute the content to others would be a violation of copyright law.

In addition to the Real Help E-course, these options may help you further solidify your foundation for recovery.
Inner Healing Ministry
In the e-course it is recommended to consider Inner Healing Ministry as an option for helping to uncover the mysteries of psychological issues. Inner healing ministries are models of guided prayer with a skilled practitioner. Follow the links to find a practitioner near you or do a web search in your area for these ministries. Use discretion in vetting the trustworthiness of your practitioner. Real Help generally recommends this but has no direct affiliation.
Transformation (formerly Theophostic) Prayer Ministry
Clinical Therapy and Christian Counseling
After completing the e-course, it may be necessary for some to consider therapy as an option to help them along in their recovery journey. The e-course helps to identify psychological issues and teaches how to respond to them, but the more severe the issues, the more it may be necessary to get professional help with them. Additionally, porn addiction can obviously cause damage to a marriage and therapy is an important option to consider upon recovery. Quitting the porn is one thing, but rebuilding a marriage can be even more difficult and a good therapist can help. It is highly recommended to seek a clinician who practices BOTH clinical therapy AND Christian counseling as they are both valuable methodologies, yet can fall short on their own. If you are unable or unwilling to find a therapist in your area, please consider the following practices which are fully endorsed by Real Help.
My Life Counsel
Eagle's Wings Counseling Center